"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
28 December 2009
Not for the Weak at Heart
14 December 2009
Christmas Letter to You
Sitting on the edge of my bed five weeks ago, I decided that the time had come. After five months of working with Zsofi through many ups and many downs, the time had come. “Zsofi, are you read to finally give everything to Christ?” “Yes,” she said quietly, but with conviction. She asked for help, so carefully I began to lead her through a prayer of salvation.
I don’t know why but I looked to my left and my eyes rested on my digital alarm clock. Holding my phone in one hand, I stared at the clock. My mind skipped for a moment and I felt as though all of Heaven had come to attention. The choir leaders called the angel choir to attention, party angels handed out confetti and those little horns that unravel as you blow into them. A child was coming home. My voice broke, we finished praying and cried together across the line.
Being missionaries in Hungary has already changed our lives, and God is using us to change lives. We continue to learn the language and I’m really proud of Corinne and how well she is doing with this difficult task.
Our boys have handled the change amazingly. Grant is days away from walking, and Carter shows us every day so many amazing, and often humorous truths of childhood. While we can’t replace our friends from home, God has given us relationships that have helped to sustain us, and encourage us. We feel as though there is no height or depth to which God’s blessings have not reached us.
But for me, it’s all about people. I want more. One week after Zsofi accepted Christ, Eszti a young lady from our church who attends our young adult group asked me a question about being a part of God’s family. I explained that faith is a walk, but that it begins by accepting Christ’s gift of Salvation. While walking them to the tram stop we talked about forgiveness, and mercy. I was turning my attention to her 14 year old brother, David, as their tram rolled in, and in a flash they were gone.
The next Sunday David came to me and said, “I thought about what you said, and I am a part of God’s family now.” We ducked into a side room and he relayed how he had decided that night to accept Christ and did just as I had described to his sister.
Ever week brings us into contact with more people like this. Brothers, friends, who are looking for God and want to talk with someone. They are tired of feeling hopeless, tired of feeling there is something more that they are missing. This week alone I will meet with a few of them. Please pray that the spirit would move.
I can’t begin to describe how humbling it is to see God use us this way. It’s a very tangible confirmation for us that He has us right where He wants us. Struggles, fatigue, funding issues aside, being exactly where God wants you is the only place to be.
My prayer for you is that this Christmas season, you recognize that you have been an important part of bring two people home to the manger. Your prayer and support have changed lives. May this Christmas find you exactly where God wants you, that he may use you to do amazing things right where you are.
Wishing you a Truly Merry Christmas,
Jonathan for the Longs
25 November 2009
Family Update in Photos
31 October 2009
It began with a word..."yes". Part 2
"Meet me on the far side of Keleti Train Station in 30 minutes,"I wrote, "I'll get the OMS van and pick you up." An hour later we were piling several large packs, countless smaller back packs, and 7 road weary and wet warriors into our living room. I wish, Dear Reader, that I could say at this point that I had the slightest clue as to what God had in mind, but Mike, Denise, Ashley, Nicole, Ralph, Bambi and Lindsay were camped out in my living room, and my life would absolutely never be the same.
Realizing I had somewhat of a captive audience, I asked if two of them would be willing to share their testimony at our Friday Night Youth and Young Adult Ministry. They graciously agreed.
And so it was, during a phone conversation last Monday night that Zsofi mentioned to me that she had felt God's presence the previous evening, and that she wanted to feel it again. After a short discussion I bluntly asked "Zsofi, are you ready to accept Christ and give him eveything?" Her answer "yes", and while I led her through the first lines of the same prayer I had prayed to God, I looked to my left and saw my clock. 9:06 pm. The world stood still. I suddenly realized what was happening.
This is what it's all about. This is why we are here. This was why our beloved living room squatters were here. In a moment all the angels of heavens choir snapped to the edge of their seats. The confetti angels waited with handfuls of gold confetti, and it seemed that all of Heaven held it's breath. Slowly tenderly she prayed with me, and accepted the gift of Salvation from our Lord Jesus Christ. I came out into the living room and wept like a child relating to our guests what had happened. The following day we had a Re-Birthday party for Zsofi at her apartment. Monday, October 26th, 2009 is a day that a new creation was born, and it was in no small part due to the love of God in 7 stranded Americans.
It began with a word..."yes". Part 1

20 October 2009
Nothing Left to Give

03 October 2009
To Be Honest.....

Let me ask you a question. When you sing in church, do you ever think about the words your singing? I mean, do you ever stop and consider what it is exactly that you're saying. It may sound strange, but I find myself doing this a lot. So often I think we sing the same songs over and over that we really don't think about what we're saying.
16 September 2009
I Never Thought I'd Hear...
- "Guess what, Mommy! We get to ride a bus and a tram!"
- "Mommy, how come there's no water in that toilet?"
- "Look! I drew a subway."
- "You have to tell him 'cause I don't speak Hungarian."
- "I can't ride my motor(cycle) because someone stole my gas" (we had a problem with the gas being stolen out of our car a few times)
- "Do we get to take a bus, or do I have to walk?"
- "Mommy, 'hal' means fish"
- "I had to take two airplanes to get here."
- "Can we call grandma on the computer?"
- "Hooray! It's macaroni day (or pancake day)!!" (Kraft MacNCheese isn't available here, which Carter loves and syrup is very expensive)
11 September 2009
ABC....it's as easy as 1-2-3.
Years ago I purchased from the store a plastic model kit. On the front was a really impressive photo of an F-4 Phantom fighter jet that had caught my eye. With anticipation and trembling I cut away the cellophane wrapping and unloaded the contents of my kit out onto a folding table, carefully laying out the little plastic frames side by side.
26 August 2009
Spiritual Climate Change is Coming

Spriritual climate change is not permanent. God, who set into motion the physical changes and cycles of our world, also desires to change our spiritual climate as well. Where he finds hard hearts of ice, it's His desire to set them ablaze for Him. Where deserts rule and vegetation is non-existent, he desires to see fields of flowers stretching up to the Son.
10 August 2009
Life Goes On

26 July 2009
I Know You Never Said It Would Be Easy...but
I cried this evening. I tried not to, I really did, but alas my emotions, having overflowed the spot deep inside where I traditionally ignore them, came tumbling down my cheeks in the form of warm tears. Truth is I'm a sensitive guy. While at some point I fantasize about being Clint Eastwood, meeting out justice in a cold-masculine way, in reality I'm more Elmer Fudd-like crying over that Daffy Duck I thought I wanted to shoot.
30 June 2009
Praises All Around!
20 June 2009
It's All Hungarian to Me
07 June 2009
Getting Settled
27 May 2009
Finding God at 33,000 Feet
Friday, May 15th was a stressful day for us. Wrapping up our last minute plans, we packed into our van and headed for the airport. Walking through the hallways of JFK airport in New York City, Corinne and I finally understood the horror stories we had heard about flying with small children and bags.
After a 3 hour trek to get our baggage put back onto the right flight, Corinne and I finally settled into our seat on the Boeing 767 and the gravity of our journey began to set in. I had an aisle seat, and Carter was in the middle seat to keep him from escaping our aisle. This worked well, but secretly I was hoping that he wouldn’t be too much of a pest to our neighboring passenger.
A few minutes later, a woman in her 50’s sat down in the seat next to us. After watching me trying to keep Carter from pestering her, she leaned over to me and said “don’t worry, I am a Grandma” in good English, through a Hungarian accent. She soon was talking with Carter and soon after take off, Carter, a normally shy boy actually leaned over, put his head on her lap and went to sleep with her running her fingers through his hair. We didn’t hear from him until after we were on the ground in Budapest.
During the flight I began to chat with our new “grandma” and found out that she worked at the Hungarian Art Museum off of Hero Square. I related to her that two years ago when we were in Hungary we had tried to get into to see a Van Gogh exhibit that Corinne had been dying to see, only to find that it was sold out. She lit up.
“I put that exhibit together,” she said…..”it’s coming back in 2011. I told her that Corinne was an artist and loved art. She dug into her purse, produced a card and gave me specific instructions. “When you are able, call me before you come….we have no Van Gogh on exhibit now, but we have some in storage, come and I will give you a private viewing of Van Gogh.” Her card read Director of Art. She had been in the states giving lectures to art students at many prestigious colleges.
So here we were on an international flight, stressed out, and wondering what was ahead of. I had a delightful conversation with our neighbor, both boys slept the entire trip, and Corinne even managed to get a few hours of sleep with the boys occupied. I wonder if our neighbor knew that God was using her to add some rest to an otherwise draining day.
God works anywhere, and through anyone. At 33,000 feet Carter found a Grandma, Corinne, a fellow art lover, and I found a precious woman who wants us to meet her family. I don’t know her spiritual condition, but I’ve been praying that I get the chance to find out.
24 May 2009
Commissioning Ceremony
29 April 2009
A Fair Exchange?

Once such question came up last week..."what did you do with all your stuff?" Our usual answer: "Well, to be honest, we have departed with most of our household belongings and really only have a few keepsake items we have placed in storage. We are just taking suitcases with clothes and linens, mostly." That typically receives a look of interest. Another comment we hear alot "It must be hard to leave your family. They are going to miss you alot" Our response: "Yes, we will miss them...but it's not too bad now, we have skype and they hope to come and visit." Also common..."Moving to Hungary must be pretty exciting, do you think you'll like it there?" and I'll reply, "Budapest is a modern city. We really have the conveniences we are used to. The biggest adjustment - not having a car"
You know, sometimes it is easy to focus on all the things we are giving up to be missionaries. I was reminded this past weekend of one such item when a friend of ours drove his motorcycle up to our house. Jonathan is a lover of motorcycles and he has always wanted to own another one (he had one when we were dating, but that is another story). We had always planned that once he was out of school and our careers were stable and money wasn't tight, that we would try to get him one. Well as you can imagine, Hungary has kind of put a detour on that plan.
We've given up our furniture and our house, our kids toys and my Christmas dishes. But you know what? God has given us something even greater in return. Sometimes it is easy to overlook at first glance, but in reality it is a prized possession. He has given us the desires of our heart, the joy of being in the center of His will, and a peace that passes all understanding. He has put passion and fire and intensity in our relationship with Him. He has blessed us day after day. We received so much more than the material possessions we have relinquished. And in my book, that is more than a fair exchange.
18 April 2009
A Surprising Find

While we were waiting for our quote, Jonathan and I browsed through the aisles and somehow landed in the Foreign Language section. In the past we have enjoyed looking over travel and foreign language sections to see what Hungarian resources they might have. Usually few and far between, we often resort to purchasing our Hungarian finds on websites such as Amazon. Jonathan is particularly fond of the Hungarian history books. For example, a recent Amazon order included The Siege of Budapest: 100 Days in World War II.
Well today we were pleasantly surprised to happen upon a cute little picture book called the Beginner's Hungarian Dictionary. Quietly slipped between German-English dictionaries and Italian phrasebooks, it contains illustrations and Hungarian translations for a whole variety of everyday vocabulary words. Quickly, this inconspicuous dictionary found a treasured place in my arms as we meandered through the store and an unplanned $6 purchase brought a smile to my face.
This evening as I poured through the pages, silently mouthing the difficult pronunciations, again I felt the excitement, wonder and awe of the great task God has laid before us. Both Jonathan and I know that language will not be our only challenge as we move to Hungary in just a few weeks. We also know, however, that God is not sending us alone. We have a wonderful team of missionaries and Hungarians waiting to welcome us to our new home - and of course God is going with us!
I'm not sure who our little book belonged to before we found it hiding on the shelf, but someone put it there for us to find. In Hungary, God may seem hard to find, but we are going there to help Hungarians see Him. God isn't so hard to find, when you know where to look!
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. ~Jeremiah 29:13
Searching for Something Special,
06 April 2009
Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Our move in May has brought great excitement to our house and a flurry of activity as we finalize our packing. We are finishing the last of our planned meetings and starting to say our "goodbyes". In the midst, God is preparing our hearts for a journey to the other side of the world. We are anxious to start our work in Hungary, but also saddened to leave our families and friends. However, we know that the God who worked this miracle to get us to Hungary will not leave us when we arrive!
As we reflect on these months of planning and traveling, we are humbled by the blessings that God has poured out upon us through people like you. From the ocean waves in Massachusetts to the waves of grain in Montana, God has knit our hearts to the people and places we've visited. We feel the prayer of our friends in the mountains of Tennessee and Pennsylvania. We've grown to love the farmers of Indiana and North Dakota. All over the United States, we have spread the news of God's work in Hungary and in return, God has sprouted the support for our ministry.
And our move to Hungary does not mean the end of these new relationships. As we begin our ministry we look forward to sharing what God is doing in the lives of Hungarians. We cannot wait for the days we return to travel again and share the impact you have had around the world through your prayers and support. Thank you so much for the love you have shared with our family, we hope that you have felt our love in return!
20 February 2009
He Knows the Plans

The Long family waits...
Waits for the time when we will get on a plane and fly to the land of the Magyars. We wait for the day we arrive in the country to which we have been drawn by God. We wait for the "Go into all the world". We wait to be transplanted onto a new soil on the other side of the sea...
And yet, in the waiting God works. In the waiting we work. Each day we share again our vision for the Gospel to reach another soul. We walk where He leads and we tell the story of how He has changed everything. We work to grow our faith and our committment to His will in our lives. We pray...and we call upon God. He listens...and we listen. We search out His guidance and His direction.
Why all the working and waiting? Why not just go? Others have gone before with less...why?....Because He knows the plans He has for us. Plans to prosper and not to harm. Plans for hope and a future. We encounter setbacks...He anticipates them. We fight against struggles...He fights for us. We come up short...He makes up the difference.
God has a future for the Long family...and so we wait.
19 January 2009
To Boldy Go...
The past week and a half our family has been residing at the headquarters of OMS as we participate in CROSS Training (OMS's preparation for cross cultural ministry and living). We have learned alot about everyday life as a missionary, as well as various aspects of our ministry. What continues to amaze me is the incredible team that stands behind us here in the United States and supports our efforts to go! God has reminded us that He not only provides through finances and prayer, but also through the faithfulness and guidance of men and women in leadership and support at OMS. We could not be successful missionaries to Hungary without an incredible team! We are thankful and blessed to be part of such an organization.
While we were at Kitty Hawk, we enjoyed photographing Carter posing as an astronaut in the history of flight pavilion. It has been a long path from first flight to walking on the moon...and our journey in missions sometimes seems to reflect this idea. As ambassadors of Christ we strive "to boldly go..."