The same such scenario has presented itself again this year, amidst the family visits and the food, I have taken some time to think about what these past months have meant in my life. Looking back is sometimes pleasant, sometimes painful...but never for the weak at heart. Why, you might ask? I'm not one for dwelling on regrets, or rewinding past sorrows...instead to simply view the events and take note of how life may have changed, or how the lives of those who are important have changed.
This year has truly been a year characterized by change in our life. Last May we left everything we called "home" and moved to Hungary to begin our "calling". It definitely has been an exciting, challenging, changing experience. We have felt our highest highs and our lowest lows. We have cried in agony and leapt for joy. It has surprised me how these two extremes have been so prevalent in our lives since we have come to Hungary. There is no glamor in the real life of missions. Only the gnitty gritty. Sharing God's love with people is never shiny and smooth. It's raw and's hard work. And the rewards are real. They're eternal. And that's what gets us through.
Being so far from home amplifies the "misses". What have I missed this year. Some days that pervades my mind. It's not something I like to dwell on, but just the reality of homesickness and living in a foreign land. Today I took a little tally...just to quantify the cost in my mind. Four births, a death and a marriage. We missed those. A stolen wedding ring before our tenth anniversary, holidays with family, birthdays with our boys...those were missed. Having family visit us here is such a blessing, but even their close proximity amplifies the changes we have made. We are not the same. We are not the Long's that left Indiana only 7 months ago. That's where I see the biggest change in my life. It's hard to explain that now, I have less but it's more. That what I want is not what I want. It seems somehow that our differences are proportional to the distance we have travelled. But how do you quantify that?
Not just to dwell on the loss, but the joys have been immeasurable. Two young new believers. A consistent group of young adults meeting in our home each week. Building a baptismal for our church so a young lady can be baptized. New friends, new faith and new family.
So, 2010 is just a few short days away. Our first new year in Hungary. A new year with new hope. Hope is why we came here in the first place. Hope keeps us going. We came to share that Hope with everyone we meet....And that is not a job for the weak at heart.
Going strong,
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