
28 May 2011


May is definitely a month of memories for us as we hold two special anniversaries in May. The first being our wedding anniversary on May 29th. This year we will celebrate 12 years of marriage. It truly is a blessing to be living in a Godly marriage, committed to one another and affirming each other in who God made them.

Many people know of our unique beginning as a couple, but for those of you who don't - Jonathan and I met on a blind date for my senior high school prom. We always joked that it was impossible to not fall in love when your have first date is in a tuxedo and evening gown...but the truth is, God had to have orchestrated our relationship from the beginning (with a little help from my family - you know who you are!). We were married just over a year later at the tender age of 19 and though most would find that age too young to begin married life together, we have been blessed beyond measure in the twelve years since.

Jonathan and I have had our share of trials and difficulties, as all marriages do, but as we reflect on the last 12 years, I think we can both say without doubt that we are more in love with one another, that our relationship has grown stronger and that we are more a family now, than ever before.

One of the great adventures of our married life was when we came to Hungary - and that brings me to the other anniversary of May. On May 16th we passed the two year mark for living in Hungary. I think we both can attest to year two being more superb than the first, and marvel at the speed at which at passed. It almost slipped by us without notice until we were asked by someone on the very anniversary how long we had been in Hungary. Like marriage, the time we have spent with Hungary has changed and matured us. We are not the same people that we were when we first began this great adventure, but the relationship that has grown the most in this time is our relationship with God. And as we reflect on these past two years, we can say we are both more in love with God, that our relationship has grown stronger, and that we are even more a part of the body of Christ than ever before.

Here are a few snapshots in time to show how we have changed since the beginning of these timelines.

Jonathan and I on the night we met (1998) ....and last Fall (2010).
Our family not long after we arrived in Hungary and two years later...

19 May 2011


Rooted - (Root"ed) adjective.

Having taken root; firmly implanted; fixed in the heart

When Jonathan and I first began our ministry with OMS, we were asked to supply a Bible verse that speaks to us about our ministry. There are a lot of great verses we could have chosen...things about seeing the harvest, showing God's love, or living passionately for Christ, but the verse that stood out in our minds was about something we hold very dearly in our lives: Being rooted.
Colossians 2:6-7 "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Seeing people make a decision to follow Christ is definitely exciting, but what is even more exciting is seeing them live the days following that commitment, growing in knowledge, and becoming firm in their faith.

This past weekend when our family went for a hike, I was reminded of how important roots can be. We were trekking up a steep path in the forest. The trees along the hillside were large and imposing, but over time the rain and water had washed the dirt away from the base of the trees. Their large root system was exposed. Carter began asking questions about why the trees looked so different (seeing their roots exposed) and Jonathan explained to him how the roots were what allowed the tree to stand tall, to grow strong, and to stay in the ground on a steep hillside.
One of the trees on our hike....roots exposed.
And really, we need to be rooted in Christ for the very same reasons. We need to stand tall, when oppression weighs us down. We need to grow strong so that our faith will not be shaken by the trials of life. We need to stay firmly planted when the rains of opposition and worldly thought threaten to wash us in the tide. We need to have God fixed firmly in our hearts. If our roots were to be exposed for the world to see, what would they look like? Would others recognize our source of nourishment? Would they see that on whom we rely? Would we be unshakeable?

Our prayer for ministry here and for your life wherever you are is that you would be firmly rooted in Christ Jesus and built up in Him! He is our life source!

10 May 2011

It's that time of year!

I can hardly believe May has come upon us already...and that means we are only two months away from the start of our Summer English Camps! This is one of our most valuable ministry opportunities each year. This year we are praying for 80 students, ages 8-19, to attend this summer. We are excited to have commitment of several volunteers from the United States and are looking forward to sharing this beautiful country with those who are coming. We invite you to take a look at our camp website: Hungary Summer English Camps

We definitely still need your prayers as we spend the next two months finalizing details and making preparations. We are still in need of financial support for scholarships and operational costs. If you are interested in supporting the camps financially would you please contact us via email at or by sending your support to:

One Mission Society 
Hungary English Evangelism
Project # 301400
PO Box A
Greenwood, Indiana 46142

Also, it's not too late to join us this summer in Hungary. If you think you might be interested, send us an email and check our the video below for a brief snapshot of what we do at English Camp: