
15 May 2012

What is emerging leadership?

Take a moment and Google 'leadership'. Go ahead, I'll wait. I know right....594,000,000 results.  Amazing! Leadership is one of the most talked about, and I thought often misunderstood topics. Thousands of books, millions of seminar hours, blogs (ahem), websites, have been dedicated to the subject of what leadership is, what good leadership looks like, and who leaders are.

Now imagine adding another dimension.  'Emerging.' What is an emerging leader?  It doesn't seem that there is all that much consensus on that either. Some focus on the 'emerging', others on the 'leader'.  Others ignore both and come up with crazy definitions that are clearly focused only on using a popular term to market themselves. One large non-profit organization that most everyone in the US knows has defined 'emerging leader' as someone who donates more than $1000 dollars and volunteers 20 hours of their time. If anyone of you would like to become 'Emerging Leaders' in my financial support, I'll be happy to sign you up! Fantastic!

The next two blog posts will be focused on the subject of Emerging Leadership. First, what is Leadership? Then Secondly, what is an Emerging Leader?  I understand that this is just another drop in the leadership ocean and I'm sure that everyone could provide their opinion or take, but I will try and synthesize together my research into one consistent definition. Just understand that like all 594,000,000 other thoughts out there on leadership, that this is my take on it.


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