
29 May 2012

What is Leadership

I had a recent conversation in which the goal was to accurately define leadership. This is a harder task than it may seem at first because leadership is often a subject on which most people have their own definition. This doesn't make them right or wrong, but simply suggests that everyone has experienced leadership, good or bad, and has come away with their own modified definition.

On this particular afternoon the question of defining what leadership is, turned quickly to defining what leadership isn't. One person shared that leadership is not consensus taking. "It's not putting your finger in the air and seeing what people want to do," they said emphatically,"anyone can take a poll, that's not leadership."

Most of the group nods their heads.

Sometimes it's easier to say what something isn't, than to define it. So for about 20 minutes are little motley group shared experiences with leadership, frustrations and victories, but mostly talked about what leadership is not.

So what is leadership? I will give you my definition. You don't even need a pen to write this's one word.


Leaders have a natural ability to influence others. This isn't born of position because many people in 'leadership' positions today, across both the non-profit and for-profit worlds, aren't leaders at all. A job title doesn't make you anything. 

I asked someone recently about how you can identify a leader. They responded, "put five people in a room and give them a project. In fifteen minutes you'll know who your leader is." They are the one who in very short order will have people looking to them for direction. It happens naturally and you know what...everyone is happy with it. Leadership is a gift, and it's just one of many. Others who bring different skills to the party look to leaders. When someone has confidence in their leadership, when they know that they are serving their needs and have given them the greatest opportunity for success, they thrive great things happen.

I can put a gun to someone's head and demand their wallet, but this isn't influence it's coercion. Some people lead this way, using fear and intimidation to achieve their goals. But pure leadership draws in people, it creates something that people flock to, want to be a part of. Real leadership will have real followers. John Maxwell once wrote in his book 'The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership', "He who thinks he leads, but has no followers, is taking a walk." Robert Greenleaf, the creator of the Servant Leadership concept has said that the 'only test of leadership is the evidence of followers."

Leaders have followers, otherwise your not leading. In our society where leaders are often celebrated its tempting for people to try and take on the mantle or convince themselves that they are leading when in fact they aren't exercising anything of the sort.

Every person brings unique and important skills to the party, and humility should be a hallmark of leadership. Good employees should recognize their own skills, and good leaders should praise and value those skills. It's when everyone is working in their strengths that great things are accomplished. 

15 May 2012

What is emerging leadership?

Take a moment and Google 'leadership'. Go ahead, I'll wait. I know right....594,000,000 results.  Amazing! Leadership is one of the most talked about, and I thought often misunderstood topics. Thousands of books, millions of seminar hours, blogs (ahem), websites, have been dedicated to the subject of what leadership is, what good leadership looks like, and who leaders are.

Now imagine adding another dimension.  'Emerging.' What is an emerging leader?  It doesn't seem that there is all that much consensus on that either. Some focus on the 'emerging', others on the 'leader'.  Others ignore both and come up with crazy definitions that are clearly focused only on using a popular term to market themselves. One large non-profit organization that most everyone in the US knows has defined 'emerging leader' as someone who donates more than $1000 dollars and volunteers 20 hours of their time. If anyone of you would like to become 'Emerging Leaders' in my financial support, I'll be happy to sign you up! Fantastic!

The next two blog posts will be focused on the subject of Emerging Leadership. First, what is Leadership? Then Secondly, what is an Emerging Leader?  I understand that this is just another drop in the leadership ocean and I'm sure that everyone could provide their opinion or take, but I will try and synthesize together my research into one consistent definition. Just understand that like all 594,000,000 other thoughts out there on leadership, that this is my take on it.


08 May 2012

Introducing ELI

I would like to introduce you to ELI, or the Emerging Leadership Initiative.  OMS has launched this initiative with a recognition that God has blessed us with a generation of new leaders coming through our doors every day. As a 111 year old organization, we know that OMS is bigger than any single generation, and if OMS is to exist in another 111 years it will be because we've successfully managed the transition of the mantle of leadership between generations.

With every generation comes different opportunities and challenges. Each generation is unique and leadership must find a way to engage each successive generation in a creative and relevant manner while holding fast to the core values that have built the organization. 

With this in mind ELI was designed as an initiative to address the needs of emerging leaders today and help train and equip new leadership to step into vital roles as OMS continues growing. Last year OMS realized over 600,000 decisions for Christ, and almost 6,000 churches planted. Tremendous results but we want more, and to get there we understand we'll need the right people, in the right places, doing the right things.

Over the next couple years I have been given an opportunity to work with top leadership and create a development plan to help refine our raw and not-so-raw leadership to rise and meet the challenges that OMS will face in the coming years.  What an awesome opportunity.

I will of course be discussing leadership and development, as well as Hungary and foreign ministry regularly on this blog.  I would appreciate your prayers and support as we begin this awesome initiative.

God Bless,
Jonathan Long