
02 December 2010

I'll Have a Blue Christmas (without you)...

The past few weeks of holidays and prep for Christmas has put me on a bit of an emotional roller coaster. I read this quote on a friends blog and it pretty much puts into words what I have so much trouble explaining to others.

"changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.” 
~Anatole France
Coming to Hungary was a longed for change, a passion we feel even today...but with it came the death of our lives before. The relationships we have with our friends and family back home are cherished and will never completely die, but are a loss to us none-the-less. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, especially, we long for those love ones who are many, many miles away.

Some of those holiday memories left behind...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Love the new blog look. And I know exactly what you mean. We LOVE where we are and what we're doing, but we feel so far away from family . . . and we're not nearly as far as you guys. I drive past houses of ppl from church on Sunday afternoons and see their driveways full of cars. I know they're all having Sunday lunch with parents and siblings and it just makes me feel lonely. Praying for you!