"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
19 December 2010
A Couple Videos
15 December 2010
A Christmas First
Carter during his program. |
One of the things that did surprise us, was the incorporation of the Christmas story in a public school - something that isn't seen these days in the United States. They lit an Advent Wreath and sang about Baby Jesus. It really is a testament to how disconnected people have become with religion here, that it is celebrated in the schools, but not in their hearts.
Carter was excited to give me (Corinne) a hand-decorated votive holder and cookies that they worked on in class. We had prepared some American favorites (chocolate chip cookies) to give to each of his teachers. We feel so blessed to have such caring and understanding teachers in Carter's class. They both are so patient with Carter's language limitations (and ours as well!). Carter wanted to have his picture taken with each of them before we left. It was his last day of class before he starts Christmas break.
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Carter and Miss Anniko |
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Carter and Miss Kriszti |
02 December 2010
I'll Have a Blue Christmas (without you)...
30 November 2010
November Winds
November 8th, I celebrated my birthday. The weekend before, I enjoyed chocolate peanut butter cheesecake! And on the day of my birthday, Jonathan got a sitter and we went to dinner at TGI Fridays (our little American getaway!). Carter had a very difficult time understanding why mommy didn't get to have a party, a cake, and lots presents for him to help me open :) When we were out shooting some yearly pics of the boys, Jonathan managed to capture a few of me that I thought were nice.
Just a few short days later it was time to celebrate another Long birthday... this time for Grant! On the 11th we celebrated Grant's 2nd Birthday with a monkey themed family party. A local bakery provided the cutest monkey cupcakes ever! Grant really enjoyed the presents, the cake, and all the fun!
Not very long after we cleared the cake, it was time to start preparing for Thanksgiving. No, they don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Hungary...but we do! We planned to have a traditional Thanksgiving dinner for the Friday Night Bible study. We baked pies, cooked turkey, and added all the trimmings and were so pleased to have 20 young adults for our Thanksgiving celebration! Carter and Grant were a big help getting everything ready for the meal.
We rounded of the Thanksgiving festivities with an all-church pitch-in Sunday after service. We were pleased to have several visitors and another delicious meal. Sanyi preached a great sermon, and many people commented on what a nice day it was.
Now if we can catch our breath for just a moment, December starts tomorrow - and that means I only have 24 days left before Christmas!!
Busy little bee,
30 October 2010
Who Can I Trust?
The past few weeks have reminded me how hard it can be to trust. Living in a foreign country, dealing with a language barrier, maneuvering a different system tend to make us skeptical of everything and everybody. It doesn't help when you find your gas being stolen, your bills being overcharged, and your intentions being questioned. Feeling frustrated and slightly depressed about these situations got me to thinking tonight.
I found myself asking God, again, "Who can we really trust?" and His answer was clearly, "Me" I was reminded that when I can't trust the gas to be in my car each morning, or that I'm not being cheated on my utility bill, or unsure of the true market value of a pumpkin...that God really is the only person I need to trust. He has proved Himself faithful to us time and again. He has supplied our needs time and again.
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD and whose trust is the LORD. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes; But its leaves will be green, and it will not be anxious in a year of drought nor cease to yield fruit."
24 October 2010
Celebrating 5 Years
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Carter blows out his birthday candle. |
As the saying goes, time flies. It's hard to believe our first born has been on this earth for five whole years! And I am sure when he is turning 55, I will say the same thing. He has been such a blessing in our lives.
Carter's birthday not only reminds us of the moment in time we first began the journey of parenthood, but it also serves as a time-marker in our journey through missions. You see, Jonathan and I learned of our first pregnancy just a few short months after we felt God's call in our lives to serve in Hungary. So at a time of great anticipation for the birth of our child, we were also discovering what missions meant for us. As we had excitement and fear about our new roles as parents, we also felt excitement and fear over becoming full time servants for Christ.
Yesterday, as we enjoyed the reflections of five years in Carter's life, we also pondered how far we had come since that day we learned about the new roles God had for us. From a couple to a family, from simply husband and wife, to mommy and daddy. From business people, to missionaries. Alot changed for us five years ago. And, we wouldn't want it any other way.
Carter's biggest fans,
Corinne and Jonathan
09 October 2010
Entertaining Angels
Last year at this time, we were sitting in our living room, browsing emails, when an instant message popped up on the screen from a young woman on an 11-month missions adventure. To make a long story short, we welcomed 7 strangers into our home that day. And that one day ended up turning into 14 days. Some people said we were crazy. Where did 7 people sleep in our little flat? Some people said "you must be exhausted" having guests for so long. Some people thought we were giving too much and getting too little.
One of the many things I've learned this past year: we may have entertained angels unawares. (Hebrews 13:2) God allows strangers to enter our lives. Our job is to show His love. Is it a sacrifice? Perhaps. Is it easy? Not always. Is it convenient? Rarely. Were we blessed to have 7 people stay in our home? Undoubtedly. God pours blessing into our lives as abundantly as we have given.
This week, we received a call from some new strangers on a similar mission....lunch anyone?
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Our seven strangers who became friends. |
04 October 2010
Flavors that Take Me Back
Food is important to me. Not just any food, but the flavors from home.
I knew this was the case for most of my life, but a deeper realization came when I moved to Hungary. It's not so much the food, but the emotion and sentiment that my family has tied to food. I am sure this is the case for many families out there, but often our holidays and family moments involve a big meal with our favorite flavors.
I have discovered that Fall becomes a somewhat melacholy time for me. Partly because the business of the summer has past and the slower pace of the year has come. And partly because, well frankly, Hungarians don't partake in some of my favorite Fall flavors. Fall to me always means apples and apple cider, pumpkins and pumpkin pie, caramels, toffees, and sweet spices galore. But I find this country to be a little lacking. I try to make up the difference by baking apple dumplings and drinking warm coffee drinks, but I get a little sad knowing canned pumpkin and sweet potatoes are not to be had (except at great financial cost, lol). To make matters worse, November brings the ultimate in Fall flavors and the pinnacle of family food festivities - Thanksgiving.
Sigh. So...tonight I caved. I took the No. 7 bus 15 minutes into the city to Coffee Heaven. I splurged on an overpriced mocha and the most decadent Caramel Toffee Brownie Pillar. Mmmmm. It was delicious. For a moment, it was almost like home...well....except for the bumpy bus ride.
Sweet dreams,
30 September 2010
Welcome Fall!
A picture from our picnic in Varosliget. |
This coming week, we look to begin a new format for our Friday night Bible study. Three weeks of the month the students will eat and begin the evening program and then split into smaller conversation groups. Hopefully this will allow everyone a better opportunity to share and get to know one another.
We are also excited to announce our very own Facebook Group for the Bible study. If you are interested in following our activities, be sure to join us! Friday Night Youth on Facebook
On a personal note, Jonathan is busy and enjoying his courses at CEU and Carter is still loving preschool. Grant and Mommy have kept busy with the Mama-Baba Club, prayer meetings and cooking for all the fun activities. And....with Fall also comes several birthdays! So we are looking forward to lots of celebrations.
The children enjoyed playing in the fallen leaves. |
02 September 2010
Back to School (or should I say "Vissza az Iskolába")
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Carter in front of his school on the first day. |
Of course there are still some things I don't get (like why Carter must change his clothes 6 times a day!) and will always wonder, (like if he will ever eat the Hungarian foods...he tells me he does eat some bread and soup) but I know God has His hand on my (not so) little guy! And that once again, God has gone before us and prepared the way for Carter to attend the right school, at the right time, with the right teachers. We are truly blessed! And I know your prayers for us, especially Carter, have made a difference in the life of a 4 year old American missionary kid in Budapest.
At Peace with Preschool,
13 August 2010
Three Weeks Too Many....or Not Enough?
In the mean time, I have been holding down the fort back here in Budapest with the help of a wonderful guest....Grandma! That's right, my mom came to visit us during the time Jonathan would be gone. We've mostly been keeping ourselves busy with all the fun things Grandmas like to do with their Grandkids. We went to the Budapest Zoo, the pool, and the aquarium. The boys have also enjoyed lots of special little treats Grandma brought for them from America. Here are a few pictures from our adventures!
Carter and his "Fish-Kabob" |
Grant is all smiles when Grandma is around! |
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Fun memories at the Zoo |
Grandma and the boys enjoy a treat. |
A Happy Mommy and a Lonely Wife,
05 August 2010
The Truth of the Matter
A quick snapshot from English Camp. |
It's a dirty word. It's private, it's personal, and it's said to be the root of all evil. Usually nobody likes to talk about money, that is unless we're discussing ways to get more, to keep more, and to spend more. Money used to have an amazing amount of control in our lives. There never seemed to be enough and when there was, it still wasn't enough. I like to be in control and I was no different when it came to our finances. I wanted to know where every penny was spent. Don't misunderstand me, God blessed us financially, but even in that blessing I found great stress.
Let's rewind a couple years ago to May 2008. Jonathan and I had felt the call to serve in Hungary and had made the commitment to work toward that goal. We felt it would require a great sacrifice on our part to make that happen. What did that sacrifice look like for us? We both quit our good paying jobs in the secular world to travel and raise funds full-time. With a toddler and another one on the way, we had no regular pay check, no employer insurance policy, and no guarantee we would still be able to pay the bills on time. It was a monumental step of faith for us...for me really. And we were never short on blessing. God's provision during the following year was so abundant. I learned so much that year about reliance on God and learned to let go of the tight grasp I had on both money and material things.
God did provide personally and for our ministry that year, and in twelve short months we were on our way to Hungary. We were, and still are, so grateful and blessed by the faithfulness and generosity of our family and friends, the people who have and continue to support our ministry. We felt like God placed us in Hungary at just the moment He had ordained. Our planning in His provision anticipated that we would be return to the United States after 2 years to spend 3-4 months fundraising before returning to Hungary to complete our four year commitment.
But now, we're here. Only 15 short months later, facing the reality that we may not be able to follow the plan we had hoped for. Once again, we are looking at the dollars and cents and asking God for great provision. The numbers don't add up....but in the world of faith and blessing, they rarely do. We need a financial miracle if God is to keep us in Hungary for the remainder of our second year. This is not were I thought we would be so soon, so quickly seeing exchange rates and increased expenses ravage our support account, but I have a sense of peace and a heap of faith that even 3 years ago, was foreign to me when it came to finances. Instead of running to the calculator to examine the figures, we're falling on our knees to petition the Great Almighty.
Finding financial peace,
Corinne (& Jonathan)
27 July 2010
It's a Wrap!
04 July 2010
Just for a Moment

06 June 2010
Summer in Full Swing

09 May 2010
They Call Me "Mom"
01 May 2010
Seeing His Beloved

22 April 2010

There are times, I believe, in every Christian's life when God seems silent. Sometimes it may be due to our disobedience, perhaps our busyness, other times our own noise. And other times, God seems silent for reasons beyond our understanding. There are times in our life that God speaks very clearly to us and we know His voice has spoken above the crowd and the commotion, but it’s the times of silence that can be most trying.
The past few years, we have seen God moving, guiding and directing us through our call to ministry in Hungary. He spoke clearly to us about coming to Hungary. Even in my questioning and testing, He was very clear in His answer to us. Even in times where His voice could not be distinctly heard, we could see His hand moving in our lives - His Provision, His Power, and His Presence.
The past few months have been difficult for Jonathan and me. Most difficult has been God’s mysterious silence in our lives. The trials and challenges of missionary life are not exaggerated or imagined by any stretch. The persecution and warfare we experience is very real. We can feel the spiritual oppression that has waged war in Hungary. As we struggle to sense God’s secure grasp around us during these difficult times, sometimes there is a feeling of abandonment. We know in our hearts that God has not abandoned us, but our minds rage battle against our beliefs.
Tonight as I search for some piece of Hope in the Scriptures, I was brought upon a passage underlined years ago in my Bible.
Isaiah 58:8-9
“Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry for help and he will say: Here am I”
God has not left us alone in Hungary. He doesn’t leave us alone anywhere for that matter. He will answer are call to Him. He has been there all along.
Coincidently, following this time of devotion, I picked up the iPod to listen to some inspiration tune. The song that began playing immediately was Todd Agnew’s “Shepherd”.
It is my prayer. That God will hear his weary sheep and His sheep will hear His voice. Here are the lyrics that spoke to my heart tonight…
Shepherd, Your sheep are weary
Cold and tired, battered and bruised and torn
Shepherd, Your sheep are hungry
We got what we wanted but we still need something more
We need to hear Your voice
Whatever You might say
We just need to hear Your voice
Show us the way
Shepherd, Your sheep are lost
We chased our wants that we thought were needs
Now we can't get home
Shepherd, Your sheep are longing
We ate and we ran, we played and
we danced, but we're empty
We need to hear Your voice
Whatever You might say
We just need to hear Your voice
Show us the way
Shepherd, these sheep are Yours
We tried to be king, but we
don't want to anymore
Listening Carefully,
11 April 2010
Swimming With the Sharks
13 March 2010
Our Friday Night Group finally Has a Name
When Being Handy, comes in Handy
01 March 2010
The Blind Man of Budapest
17 February 2010
The Importance of Dr Pepper (and other pick-me-ups)

13 February 2010
A note from the Eastern Front

In 1 Kings 19 God commands Elijah to "Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of God, for God is about to pass by." I can only imagine what must have gone through his mind. What did he expect?
07 February 2010
Keeping Things In Perspective
04 February 2010
From Baths to Baptisms
18 January 2010
Big Plans for the Summer!
06 January 2010
What's In a Name?

OMS International becomes One Mission Society
One Lord. One Life. One Calling.
In early January 2010, OMS launched a new name, tagline, logo and mission statement. These changes were designed to help One Mission Society better communicate what it has stood for since its inception in 1901 as The Oriental Missionary Society.
One Mission Society’s sole reason for existence as a mission organization remains steadfast―to see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world and to see God glorified in all that is said and done. This is the command of the Great Commission. This is their “One Mission.”
God has blessed OMS by using it as a tool in His hands for more than 100 years. Today, One Mission Society is seeing, on average, one person come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ every two minutes. In recent years, thousands of new churches have been planted and tens of thousands of people are actively participating in discipleship programs.
These are historic times to be involved in missions. As never before in the history of the Church, One Mission Society is poised to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Make no mistake; the task is huge. OMS recognizes that it is only a small part of the body of Christ and that it joins with many other individuals, churches and like-minded Great Commission organizations called and equipped together for One Mission, God’s mission. This is the unity in mission to which all Christians are called in Ephesians, chapter 4 by our one God and Father of all.
One Mission Society currently works in 50 countries. It was founded on the principle that the most effective way to share Christ is by training a nation’s people to lead and multiply their churches. That principle still fully applies today and is the basis of their dynamic four-fold focus: intentional evangelism, church planting, training leaders and strategic partnerships.
OMS currently has six international offices from which missionaries are recruited and sent out: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Untied States. Today, One Mission Society has 430 missionaries and is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.
Here is One Mission Society’s new mission statement: By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.