During our visit, we were able to meet with all of the OMS missionaries currently on the field. We talked about the work that is being done there and the opportunities for ministry that we will be able to participate in. We met the Hungarian workers and their families. Through the entire experience, we felt God continue to confirm His call on our lives to go and work in Budapest.
This visit has also created in us a since of urgency. There is much work that needs to be done, and the workers are few. We are anxious to raise our support and return to Budapest to begin the work we will do there. As God has called us, we know also that God will provide. We have put forth a goal of raising our support by January 2009. This requires of us to travel pretty much full-time between now and the fall. We will be stepping away from our secular employment the end of May to hit the road. We are trusting God's provision, not only in raising monthly support for our ministry, but also in meeting our financial needs while we are in the process.
Please continue to pray for our family as we take this huge leap of faith, from the "security" of jobs to the "faith living" of fundraising. We know that God has and will continue to bless us on this journey and look forward to sharing more stories with you has we journey this path.
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