"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7
31 December 2008
Our New Year's Resolution
To walk in God's will in 2009, wherever or however He may lead.
We are excited to know that He does have plans for 2009, and those plans seem to be heading us toward Hungary in a short time from now. Much of 2008 has been spent in preparation for this journey. As we consider the past year, we see how God's provision and timing has been perfect. We originally had prayed that God would provide for us to be in Hungary by the end of January, but as we neared the end of the year, it was clear this was not God's plan. God has given us several more opportunities in January, February and March to share our ministry with churches and people across the country. Also, we still need additional people to come onto our support team so we can meet our financial goals. Therefore, we anticipate our transition to Hungary with take place the end of March. We are praying that God would provide all our needs so this can be possible. Things look very promising and we trust that God's timing is perfect in all things.
As you consider your resolutions for the coming year, we pray that 2009 would be a time for you to draw closer to God and to walk faithfully in His will for you life.
Looking Forward,
Jonathan and Corinne
25 November 2008
The Long Awaited Arrival
In the short first two weeks of his life, Grant has already had the opportunity to visit church for the first time and attend his first missions conference as the family travelled to Indian Falls, NY this past weekend. He already has 1000 miles under his belt and is well on his way to official MK status (missionary kid).
His birth has reminded us once again of the wonderful blessings God has given to us this past year. Not only have we been blessed with a beautiful and healthy child, but have experienced first hand the blessings poured out upon us as we travelled cross-country these past 6 months. We are so thankful for the many wonderful and caring people we have met along the way - the friends and families that have offered us their prayers, their support and their partnership in our ministry. As we trust for the future that God will continue to provide, we are too thankful for what is yet to be done! We have seen His hand at work in so many ways, and it excites us to see what He has yet to do!
Our hope for you this Thanksgiving holiday is that you too would feel God's blessing upon your lives and that you would be able to spend this time sharing in the hope for God's blessing in the days to come.
With Love and Thankfulness,
Jonathan, Corinne, Carter and Grant
20 October 2008
A First at First
14 September 2008
Letting Go and Gearing Up
This last week, our family has been further preparing for our big trip over the ocean. We had a garage sale to get rid of some household items that we no longer need or won't be taking to Hungary. In the words of our two-year old "but that is mine!" It was a little difficult to explain that the items we were selling were worth letting go of and that something better would be coming along to replace it! It's easy to have that mindset in many areas of our lives as we become attached to the things of this world. But, God has continued to remind us that we lay up our treasures in heaven! Letting go of some of our possessions is just another step in the process of relying on God to provide our needs.
As we look forward to the next few months, we are definitely gearing up for some changes and some challenges. We continue to have a busy schedule of travel and speaking. We also are preparing for the arrival of the newest member to our family - Baby Long is due Nov 13th! It will definitely be an adjustment to have another little one in tow. We are excited to see how God will continue to provide in the months to come. We are still looking to move overseas the first of the year, so we continue to pray for the financial resources to become available. We simply ask that our friends and family continue to lift our ministry in prayer. We rely on that prayer for getting through all the "letting go" and "gearing up".
01 August 2008
VBS #9 Comes to a Close
As we wrap up this last week, we have been reflecting on some of the ups and downs of the summer. We have many things to be thankful for and many praises to share!
1. Today we reached a new milestone in decisions for Christ. We have now had 100 children make first time commitments. PRAISE GOD! This does not include the additional commitments made this summer by teens and adults. YEAH!
2. We have over 60 new contacts that we have added to our support team. We look forward to sharing with these new partners in ministry about what God is doing around the world!
3. We have now been travelling "by faith" (as we would say, without our full-time employment), and God has been faithful to help us meet all of our financial obligations.
4. This week Corinne reaches her 6 month of pregnancy with no complications (thus far) and positive doctor reports. We are so thankful for this healthy journey for all of us.
5. We have been able to schedule meetings into the fall with churches and camps to fill out the calendar almost completely! We will be speaking and sharing our ministry full-time through the end of October.
6. God has continued to encourage our passion for the people of Hungary and we have received positive reports from the field. We are continuing to see God's hand in Hungary!
So you see, there have been many blessings from this summer's travels. Our prayer is that God would continue to move in our lives as we move toward Hungary. We know that the success of our summer is directly tied to the prayers of our friends...so thank you for your prayers and support. We couldn't have survived it without you! We have felt the attack of the enemy on many days, but we have also felt strengthened by the encouragement of your prayers. Please continue to pray for our safe travels back East and hopefully we'll bump into you soon!
Jonathan, Corinne and Carter
17 July 2008
Camp, Cowboy Boots, and Kids
We had the opportunity to quickly fly home for Missions in the Midwest (OMS Conference) for the last weekend of June. We enjoyed so much seeing our OMS "family" and sharing with everyone there about our ministry. It was a quick trip, but we were able to squeeze in a visit to the doctor where we learned Carter is going to have a little brother! Now the Long family debates the name...
The first week of July we had the privilege of speaking at Family Camp in North Dakota. We were the featured missionaries and spoke each morning about Hungary and the ministry there. Jonathan also had an opportunity to tune up his guitar and assist with music in the evenings. It was a wonderful time of sharing and meeting friends, both old and new. We were blessed by the time we spent there and appreciate the kindness and encouragement of all our Mt Carmel families!
Following camp, we were back to Billings, MT at Eternity Church for VBS and this week in Fallon, MT. Our spirits are continually renewed as we see young people making decisions for Christ and developing a heart for missions. It is truly the best part about each week!
We are gearing up for our last two weeks of VBS before we head back East. It is hard to believe the summer will soon come to a close! Hopefully we will be passing through your neck of the woods soon!
17 June 2008
Got Faith?
30 May 2008
Week One Comes to a Close
Well, the end of our first week is quickly approaching. We have been working with VBS in Langdon, ND at Emmanuel Evangelical Church. We have one session left on Saturday morning with a Hungarian lunch afterward for the children and their parents. Sunday morning we will do a presentation during the worship service for VBS and then Jonathan will share briefly about our ministry in Hungary. He will also be speaking Sunday morning at the Presbyterian Church in Langdon.
Other than working out a few details, everything seemed to go off without a hitch. We have enjoyed getting to know the families at the church here through working together at VBS and eating meals in their homes. We have shared with many of them about our ministry plans for Hungary. We are excited to see how God is working in the lives of the young people here at VBS. Thank you for all your prayers, they do make a difference! Enjoy the picture video from this week's VBS...
29 April 2008
Back to Budapest
During our visit, we were able to meet with all of the OMS missionaries currently on the field. We talked about the work that is being done there and the opportunities for ministry that we will be able to participate in. We met the Hungarian workers and their families. Through the entire experience, we felt God continue to confirm His call on our lives to go and work in Budapest.
This visit has also created in us a since of urgency. There is much work that needs to be done, and the workers are few. We are anxious to raise our support and return to Budapest to begin the work we will do there. As God has called us, we know also that God will provide. We have put forth a goal of raising our support by January 2009. This requires of us to travel pretty much full-time between now and the fall. We will be stepping away from our secular employment the end of May to hit the road. We are trusting God's provision, not only in raising monthly support for our ministry, but also in meeting our financial needs while we are in the process.
Please continue to pray for our family as we take this huge leap of faith, from the "security" of jobs to the "faith living" of fundraising. We know that God has and will continue to bless us on this journey and look forward to sharing more stories with you has we journey this path.
18 March 2008
Hitting the Road
02 February 2008
One Amazing Ride
I (Corinne) have somewhat of a love-hate thing with roller coasters. I think I want to go on one, but then as I approach the front of the line my stomach starts to churn with anxiety, my palms get sweaty, and every inch of reasoning tells me not to get on! On most occasions I convince myself that I will not die and at the end of such an exhilorating ride, I will be glad I took the risk. Such was the case with the Millenium Force that day. My first trip was difficult as we slowly clicked up the first momentous hill. As we approached the top, regret was pulsing in my head...why did I think I wanted to do this?!? Inevitably we descended the hill and reached 93 miles per hour, while I gripped the hand bars white knuckled. I admit I was not having a good time - I was too scared! After the 2 minute 20 second thrill ride, we arrived safetly back at the loading zone. Whew! Now that I was safely on two feet and my adrenaline levels started to decline, I was informed that everyone wanted to go on the roller coaster again. Well, I reasoned, I survived once, I guess I can survive again. Three rides later, I realized I was enjoying the thrill of the height and speed of this roller coaster and I had conquered my fears.
It's funny how silly anecdotes can creep into your mind years later. As I was pondering our missions journey this week, the story of this particular roller coaster was in my mind. In life, I tend to be the one who wants to be in control. I want to have a schedule, a plan, and a back-up plan. I don't like to be surprised and I don't like to be unprepared. As we have stepped out and taken on the call to missions, however, I am learning that sometimes God works best when we are not in control. God is continually changing the plan to meet his purpose. He continually surprises us, whether through an unexpected word of encouragement or a financial gift. Sometimes walking by faith requires you to step out in the dark on unsure footing. This was not a comfortable place for me to be, but God is slowly teaching me that the adventure can be enjoyable when he is in charge. Like putting ourselves on a roller coaster, it is against our human nature to let God have control.
I am learning that the best time of my life is the time that I am in God's will, even if that means I am out of control. Just like Cedar Point claims nothing can compare to the thrill of their roller coaster, Bill Hybel reminded me that "Nothing can be compared to the thrill of serving God, of truly being used by Him to make an eternal difference in the lives of people and advancing His purposes in the world."