This week we had an opportunity to take Carter to a local farm where they grow pumpkins. We rode in a hay wagon for a short distance and were delivered to this "pumpkin patch". To our surprise, the pumpkins were growing in among their Christmas trees. At first, I thought it was little strange to see them all together in the same field, but in retrospect they seem to be putting their field to good use. The slow growing evergreens take many years to mature to Christmas tree height, so in the meantime they use the field each year to grow pumpkins for the fall season. Obviously the growers know that it is not just about the end result but how the field can be used in the meanwhile...
It seems to be the perfect word picture for what God has been teaching us this past week. It is about "living in the meanwhile". What does that mean exactly? Often our lives as Christians revolve around the destination instead of on the journey. However, we don't just wake up one day and find ourselves being used by God; rather God uses us and molds us through the process. Unfortunately we don't always take time to recognize the opportunities along the path or the blessing amidst our trials...we should be reminded of the verse in Romans "..we know that in all things God works for good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose" (v 8:28) It doesn't say that "in the end" all things work for good. We're talking about in the "now". We often find that it is in the "meanwhile" we prove our faith and refine our spiritual life through God's active work in our lives.
When we were children people would often ask "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Are you waiting to "grow up" and be what God has called you to be? Remember, God is not just interested in our future. He is interested in how we are "living in the meanwhile."
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