This summer we took a family vacation to the beach. It was the first time for Carter to ever see the ocean. What a special moment it was to step into the sand with him and experience it anew. Each seashell was a treasure to collect; every wave caused a twinge of panic. Oh to see things as a child sees. Unlike most boys, however, Carter does not like to get his hands dirty. Sand or dirt on his hands or shoes is inspected with concern and a desire to brush it away. Much to our dismay, after a few visits down to the shoreline we were carrying him everytime we inched near the sand. There was no sandcastle building or burying of toes, just tears and clinging arms around our necks. We find humor in the experience now, but it was a cause of frustration when we were there.
I was thinking today about how many times we miss out on an experience or an opportunity because we are not willing to get our hands dirty. Sometimes, I will admit, it just seems like a lot of hard work serving God. It seems easier to just not get involved. But the reality is "world-changers wear work gloves." A pastor reminded us of this a few weeks ago. "Spectators never know the fulfillment of participants." Am I willing to be an active participant? Am I willing to get my hands dirty? Bill Hybels wrote "Nothing can be compared to the thrill of serving God, of truly being used by Him to make an eternal difference in the lives of people and advancing His purposes in the world."
We didn't want Carter to miss out on the beach and I don't want to miss out on what God has for me. I'm sure in time that Carter will overcome his aversion to dirt and he will have a beach experience that will go down in the memory books...until then, we'll have to be the ones getting our hands dirty.
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