So you're probably wondering, how did you get the call to be missionaries to Hungary? For us, being able to describe how we feel is like trying to explain the detailed intricacies of the human body. It has become so intertwined in our hearts and our minds. Don't get me wrong, at first it didn't come to us so easily - or naturally for that matter. Rather, it has been a life-long working of God's will for our lives. Slowly, with pursuance, God has directed us toward His path.
Most definitely influencing in Jonathan's life was his experience living in Budapest, Hungary as a teenager. After returning home to the States, Jonathan felt a tugging in his heart for the people of Hungary. It wasn't until after we were married that Jonathan first mentioned this to his father. His father encouraged him to pray about it and seek God's clarity in the matter. This feeling for Hungary was not always in the forefront of his life, but was consistently in his heart. Corinne, on the other hand, did not have the unique opportunity to know Hungary first hand. However, God allowed her to know Hungary in her heart and to know their need for him.
As we began to recognize our desire to serve God through ministry, it became clear to us that full-time missions was the path for us. God confirmed this to both of us in unique and powerful ways. God's timing is perfect, though not always swift, and so it has continued to be a process teaching us to learn patience and dependence on God.