
24 March 2014

Ready for Takeoff

The first international move that I can remember was coming home from Colombia. In those days everything was packed into steel barrels and sealed for transport. Come to think of it, I recall that those steel barrels never made it to Kentucky and we kinda had to start over, but I still remember packing them.

Everything changed with a simple flight. The culture changed, the language changed, our house, bed, toys, changed. Mom and Dad's job's and schedule's changed. It was quite a lot to take in. Everything was new and different.

Perhaps this is the reason why, as an adult, I still thrive on change. Variety is the spice of life they say, so I guess being a missionary seems a natural fit. As we prepare for our jump to Hungary, I thought I would take this blog post and catch you up on where things stand. I realize that our last post was 2 months ago, so I will try and catch you up with the latest in the form of 3 quick updates.

1. We have leased a flat and we are returning to Hungary on April 10th. 
It's kinda funny that in our entire time in Hungary, we have only looked at three flats, and leased two of them. In our first term, we leased the first place we looked at, as we felt instantly after walking through the doors, that this was where God wanted us. 

During our last trip to Hungary, the first place we looked at was clearly not the right fit for our family, but after looking at just the second place on our list, Corinne and I again knew that we had found 'home'. A place for ministry, space for guests, and a yard for the kids. Amazingly, it's about two blocks from where OMS first started in Hungary. The above picture is our building and we have the top floor and attic space. The value we got was astounding and we are truly praising God for it.

2.  OMS has asked me to assume responsibilities as Field Director when we return.  
 God has placed a vision in my heart for church planting and training of local leaders and pastors. I believe that we can plant churches and equip existing churches to better reach their communities.  We have connections with several churches including some of the major denominations in Hungary that have asked for help. We have a building that we purchased to be renovated into a training center. God is preparing a good work for us to do.

3.  We're almost funded.
As missionaries, fund raising is a constant, but there is a point where you have to go. We have felt that we needed to be in Hungary by April, and we are going to meet that goal. We're only slightly short in faith promise pledges, but we're confident that God is going to provide for our needs.

In the coming months, I believe that we will fill this blog with stories of God's faithfulness and power in Hungary. As we prepare to 'take-off' please be praying for our ministry. Pray that God would empower us to share the gospel effectively. That he would work in advance to create divine appointments for us. Ask him to provide all we need to stay and minister effectively.

Thank you for being a part of the team. 

God Bless,