
24 October 2012


As missionaries one of the biggest challenges for us personally has been in leaving behind the life of perceived financial security and stepping out in faith for our support. It really has been a blessing though as God has taught us much about trusting and relying on Him. Our faith has been expanded by all the little miracles and ways that God has provided.

There are many different ways in which missionaries raise their support and it's great that we have many tools in the toolbox for sharing God's direction in our lives and the important visions that he's laid on our hearts. I think though that the greatest lesson I've learned through deputation has been that deputation IS ministry. Traveling with 3 kids can wear you out, logging so many miles on our van can really kill your resale value, but  I can't tell you how many times we've been blessed and encouraged through the opportunities we've had to share at churches.

We've been traveling a lot lately and in the last 2 1/2 months I've spent 30 days in the Pennsylvania and New York region casting visions and asking the Lord to raise up our support. But during this time we've met amazing people that have been blessed as we have by sharing with them. We've shared with youth and young adults about missions and have heard back reports of kids still talking about our time with them. I had the opportunity to laugh, share, and even cry with people in PA. I was able to cast a vision for missions in NY. While we are raising support to continue our ministry at home and abroad, we appreciate how God uses this time of deputation to minister not only to us, but those whom we speak to. 

Fund raising IS ministry.

This next year we have to raise more support and will continue to travel and share to groups from one to a thousand about the tremendous ways God is leading us. Please pray for us as we travel that we would be safe and that He would speak through us. If God may be calling you to support our ministry through faith promise, please drop us an email at

Onward and Upward,
The Longs