
15 April 2011

Fragile Flowers

Have you ever felt like something you were doing was futile? That no matter how hard you tried, you were just not going to succeed?

I had a dream a few nights ago. When I awoke, I could vividly remember -

I had a tray of new flowers and I was planting them in flower beds. The strange thing was, no matter where I dug a hole to plant a flower, there was not enough dirt to push back around the roots. Over and over I dug holes, placed a new plant and scraped (sometimes with my fingernails) trying to pull the dirt tight up around the base of the plant. The ground was hard like clay and difficult to work. When I stepped back to view my progress, all I could see were these fragile flowers surrounded by holes. It was like an exercise in futility. I planted over and over and over with the same result. I was planting flowers, but they were going to die.

The next morning, the dream was on my mind, but I didn't think too much about it until I began to share it with Jonathan. As I described the dream to him, I felt as if I was painting a picture of the work we are doing here. Hungary has had a long history of struggling Christianity. Years of political and economic hardship have hardened the hearts of people here. The soil is not fertile. It is not a healthy environment for new plants. We see people make the decision to follow Christ, only to be pulled away without a Christian community to be rooted in.

The reality is - Hungary needs your prayer. We need your prayer. There are times that ministry can seem like an 'exercise in futility'...but we know that it is not. We know that God is at work, that He has called us to the fields, and that He will bring a harvest. Pray that the harvest in Hungary would come quickly. We don't want to see any more fragile flowers die.