It's funny how you never realize how important right now is...until later. It seems like time and time again, I find myself realizing how the experiences of yesterday can be used by God today. It gives you a sense like he has a plan, eh?
In the past year I have seen many instances where what was seemingly a random experience has come in handy.
Several years ago I accidentally found myself in leadership of the Young Adult group at our church. We worked hard and created a dedicated group of young adults. I didn't realize it at the time, but that wasn't simply filling a need at the time.
Years later I find myself in Budapest, Hungary, running a program for Youth and Young Adults that in some ways is remarkably similar to "The Loft". Who would have thought years ago when we were meeting in the upstairs of our church, that I would be doing the same thing in Hungary?
As a child I grew up with a handy man for a dad. Craftsmanship runs strong in our family, and I remember many days of handing nails, tossing roof shingles, holding dry wall, and even rewiring wall sockets. I failed to appreciate then the life experience gained in these small tasks.
Missionaries really don't have a hard and fast job description. You often find yourself doing tasks that you never really thought you would do.
So it was this last wednesday. Our church is small. Space is at a premium, and we've been thinking of ways to make our space more useful for the various ministries that use our church during the week. We had plaster falling off the wall in our office, we had junk piled upon itself in another room, and our sanctuary, while being nice, had a plank topped stage that shall we say, had become less than inviting.
So a church workday was in order. My guys Norbi, Sanyi, Doni, and I set about the tasks of doing maintenance and beautification to our space. The hole in the wall was expertly patched by Norbi, Sanyi and Doni and I muscled the stage around (see picture above) and I installed carpeting and trim to it. Random things were organized, and a place was even made for small children and babies to nap for Sunday Mornings and Mondays Baba Mama Klub.
I couldn't help but think of the endless hours of helping out dad with various projects and how they had equipped me to do the task at hand. I never would have imagined that they would come in handy, years later, in a small church in Hungary. Who knew? Well, God knew.
So when your at a place or time and you feel like what your doing seems insignificant, remember that what your doing may not just be for today. Someday you might find yourself looking back and saying "wow, it's a good thing I learned that, it has really come in handy".
From the Eastern Front,