Once such question came up last week..."what did you do with all your stuff?" Our usual answer: "Well, to be honest, we have departed with most of our household belongings and really only have a few keepsake items we have placed in storage. We are just taking suitcases with clothes and linens, mostly." That typically receives a look of interest. Another comment we hear alot "It must be hard to leave your family. They are going to miss you alot" Our response: "Yes, we will miss them...but it's not too bad now, we have skype and they hope to come and visit." Also common..."Moving to Hungary must be pretty exciting, do you think you'll like it there?" and I'll reply, "Budapest is a modern city. We really have the conveniences we are used to. The biggest adjustment - not having a car"
You know, sometimes it is easy to focus on all the things we are giving up to be missionaries. I was reminded this past weekend of one such item when a friend of ours drove his motorcycle up to our house. Jonathan is a lover of motorcycles and he has always wanted to own another one (he had one when we were dating, but that is another story). We had always planned that once he was out of school and our careers were stable and money wasn't tight, that we would try to get him one. Well as you can imagine, Hungary has kind of put a detour on that plan.
We've given up our furniture and our house, our kids toys and my Christmas dishes. But you know what? God has given us something even greater in return. Sometimes it is easy to overlook at first glance, but in reality it is a prized possession. He has given us the desires of our heart, the joy of being in the center of His will, and a peace that passes all understanding. He has put passion and fire and intensity in our relationship with Him. He has blessed us day after day. We received so much more than the material possessions we have relinquished. And in my book, that is more than a fair exchange.