The Long family waits...
Waits for the time when we will get on a plane and fly to the land of the Magyars. We wait for the day we arrive in the country to which we have been drawn by God. We wait for the "Go into all the world". We wait to be transplanted onto a new soil on the other side of the sea...
And yet, in the waiting God works. In the waiting we work. Each day we share again our vision for the Gospel to reach another soul. We walk where He leads and we tell the story of how He has changed everything. We work to grow our faith and our committment to His will in our lives. We pray...and we call upon God. He listens...and we listen. We search out His guidance and His direction.
Why all the working and waiting? Why not just go? Others have gone before with less...why?....Because He knows the plans He has for us. Plans to prosper and not to harm. Plans for hope and a future. We encounter setbacks...He anticipates them. We fight against struggles...He fights for us. We come up short...He makes up the difference.
God has a future for the Long family...and so we wait.