As we wrap up this last week, we have been reflecting on some of the ups and downs of the summer. We have many things to be thankful for and many praises to share!
1. Today we reached a new milestone in decisions for Christ. We have now had 100 children make first time commitments. PRAISE GOD! This does not include the additional commitments made this summer by teens and adults. YEAH!
2. We have over 60 new contacts that we have added to our support team. We look forward to sharing with these new partners in ministry about what God is doing around the world!
3. We have now been travelling "by faith" (as we would say, without our full-time employment), and God has been faithful to help us meet all of our financial obligations.
4. This week Corinne reaches her 6 month of pregnancy with no complications (thus far) and positive doctor reports. We are so thankful for this healthy journey for all of us.
5. We have been able to schedule meetings into the fall with churches and camps to fill out the calendar almost completely! We will be speaking and sharing our ministry full-time through the end of October.
6. God has continued to encourage our passion for the people of Hungary and we have received positive reports from the field. We are continuing to see God's hand in Hungary!
So you see, there have been many blessings from this summer's travels. Our prayer is that God would continue to move in our lives as we move toward Hungary. We know that the success of our summer is directly tied to the prayers of our friends...so thank you for your prayers and support. We couldn't have survived it without you! We have felt the attack of the enemy on many days, but we have also felt strengthened by the encouragement of your prayers. Please continue to pray for our safe travels back East and hopefully we'll bump into you soon!
Jonathan, Corinne and Carter