I am reminded of a story in Luke. Jesus comes upon Simon Peter, James and John who have just returned from a long night of very unsuccessful fishing. They're tired, they're probably cranky, and they're probably not in the mood to head out to sea again. But Jesus asks them to put out a little way from the shore while he speaks to the crowd from their boat. After awhile, Jesus asks Peter to put out into the deep water and let down their nets for a catch (Luke 5:2-10). Peter sums up all his frustrations into one response, "We worked hard all night and caught nothing" but Peter decides to do what Jesus asks. The result - their nets became so full that the fish filled both boats so that they began to sink. Simon Peter realizes his inadequacy. But then Jesus tells Peter that he is going to be catching men!
Sometimes life brings up empty nets and weary hearts. Have you been working all night and come up with nothing? In Luke we find a Savior who spots us in our weariness and leaves the crowd to solve our frustrations. Jesus encourages us, "Let's try again - this time with me on board... We're going to be catching men."