
07 October 2013 anybody out there?

The last few weeks (months really), Jonathan and I have been discussing the state of our blog. We realize (quite shamefully) that we have not posted a blog for literally almost a year. The truth is that blogging isn’t just a fun way to share our lives, but that it really can be a chore. It requires discipline to post regularly. It requires effort to market and tell everyone how he or she should be reading our blog (and subsequently supporting our ministry). It requires (in my case, at least) inspiration and motivation to jot down my random thoughts into a cohesive article. And it requires that we actually have something important to say (well, maybe that’s not required for all the blogging world, but for us…we prefer it be the case).

And truthfully, the last year has been kind of a holding pattern for us. Oh, we’ve been busy. We’ve been working. And we’ve been making a difference for the kingdom (that’s our prayer, anyway)…but we really haven’t been doing the very thing that we want to do, or maybe even feel called to do. That fact coupled with all the aforementioned responsibilities means that we have failed to keep you informed. We have felt lackluster in our desire to write and share and post what’s going on, because frankly, our day-to-day life just isn’t that exciting.

Jonathan has been busy completing the learning platform for the Leadership Initiative project. OMS University (or OMSU) is starting to come together as he finalizes the production of training modules for use around the world by OMS missionaries and partners. I (Corinne) have been working faithfully with ECC (Every Community for Christ) providing financial administration and budget oversight.  In addition to my work responsibilities, I homeschool Carter (who is in the 2nd grade) and care for Noemi (who just turned 19 months) and Grant. Grant has been working through his therapists to develop those areas identified as delayed skills and progressing in the areas where we have seen deficits. He attends preschool three days a week to work on those things. The kids are all growing, learning and flourishing (as you would expect).

But all those things are not why you have come here. It’s (probably) not why you began supporting our ministry or following our blog. Many of you, if not all of you, jumped on this train back when we first started telling you about a place called Hungary. A little country in central Europe that called out to us and captured our hearts. God saw fit to draw us there and He somehow drew you to us and to our ministry.  And we can finally say with some relief that He is drawing us back. We don’t have all the details worked out, but God is slowly opening the door for us to return to our first love. We have a lot to do and some money to raise, but in early 2014 we will go again to reach Hungarians for Christ.

You may have gotten bored with us, or with our blog. You may not really know what we’ve been doing or why we’ve been doing it.  But we thank you. For your support. For your prayers. For your steadfast patience. Because we’re not done yet. And we hope you’re still out there.